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A Smart Home Company Offers Customized Solutions


Creating the Smart Home of Your Dreams

Smart home technology provides a luxury lifestyle that few can imagine until they experience it. From waking up with shades slowly rising to hearing your favorite song in stunning detail when you unlock the door, each solution is personalized for the way you live. Whether you want to incorporate a home theater or bring whole-home audio to every room, you need a professional and experienced smart home company to lead the way. 

Instead of seeking out products over the counter and approaching your smart home from a singular device level, an integrated whole-home platform seamlessly transforms your everyday living. All systems work together, communicating to provide the perfect environment and entertainment. 

From when you wake until you retire, the lighting, climate, shades, music, and TVs shift and adjust, aligning with a programmed button or meeting a time-of-day requirement. Partnering with Hood Branco, a smart home company in Sonoma County, CA, ensures a personalized experience designed for you. Ultimately, we don't sell you a product. Instead, we design and install the smart home of your dreams. 

SEE ALSO: 4 Must-Have Features for Your Home Theater System

Customized for You

Unlike retail purchases that come in one-size-fits-all solutions, our experts explore your lifestyle, preferences, and needs. We discover the technology that would make the biggest difference in your and your family's lives and how to program it to achieve the desired results. 

For instance, a smart home can prepare itself for you for various times and activities. Do you want the shades to lower, a song to come on your whole-home audio system, and the lights to sparkle like stars when it's dinner time? When you press the 'Movie' button, should your blackout shades lower, the lights dim, and the audio-video begin? As you can see, a customized smart home is uniquely your own.

High-Performance Components that Get Along

Ultimately, an entire smart home may consist of 200 connected devices or more. The devices and systems must communicate with the home automation platform and each other. To create this elaborate ecosystem and ensure it works time after time, just as you want it to, we partner with the industry leaders in home automation. 

Unlike DIY projects where each device works in isolation, we combine all the smart technology under one platform. Now, your smart home becomes truly intelligent. Press a touchscreen or remote to control all your systems. Better yet, let your smart home do it for you. As the shades raise to let in the early morning light, the lights dim and transition to the color of the rising sun. As the day warms, the south-facing shades lower, reducing heat gain. In response, the lights brighten. When you leave for the day, you press the 'Goodbye' button on an elegant keypad by the door. In response, your shades lower, the lights and AV equipment turn off, the doors lock and the alarm arms. 

It's a remarkable world we live in, with home automation taking front and center. At Hood Branco, we specialize in designing, integrating, and installing automated technology, creating easy-to-use, high-performance systems that expand your horizons of smart home living. To learn more about our smart home company or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Hood Branco today. 

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