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Why a Control4 Home Automation System Is Better


It’s a new year and time to make those new year’s resolutions. It is a great time to reset and evaluate what matters most to you in life. Reflecting on the last year helps us see what we would like to improve in the coming year and then turn our dreams into actionable goals. Most of us will prioritize our health, wealth, and relationships but may find it challenging to stick with vague ideas in the coming months or even weeks.

That’s why it’s smarter to break those goals down into simple, manageable tasks, so you can slowly but consistently tackle larger goals. You can approach any aspect of your life you want to improve this way, which also goes for your home. If you're going to upgrade, improve your home's system's efficiency, energy, and reliability, you can do all that with an integrated home automation system from a trusted, smart home company. 

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Simplify Your Life With One Central Point of Connection

Many of us are still searching for the perfect 2021 planner to collect, organize, and control every aspect of their daily lives. The search goes on, but when it comes to managing your home, a home automation system can do all of that. Perhaps the most significant selling point of an integrated home automation system is having one hub where everything is located and controlled. You can see the cooling and heating systems, video and audio systems, lighting systems, security systems, and any other smart device in your home from one interface. This is way more efficient than moving from one room to the next, adjusting your smart stats and lighting controls.

No More Overlap or Inconsistencies With Multiple Points of Control

In many homes, you’ll find that people have vastly different schedules that they’re forced to merge. One person has ballet on Tuesday, another piano lessons on Friday, and a board meeting every Thursday. Managing all those schedules is difficult, especially when times overlap. Who is going where and how they are getting there can sometimes become overwhelming without everything laid out in one place.

The same goes for your automation system. Having controls on your home is an efficient way to save time and money, but only if you can control them all together. For example, suppose you are going on vacation, and you have to program your lights and thermostat, and security system all to do different things. In that case, it can get pretty complicated if you have to do them individually. Plus, you could get halfway to your destination before you remembered that you didn’t go out to the pool house to program the thermostat and lights off there, and now it looks like you are having a pool party all day all night while you are gone to Fiji.  Control4 home automation can capture all those systems in one place, so you can program them all to work in unison to meet your needs.

One Central Point of Connection for Better Security

Having a home security system is a must these days, but only if it works for you. Home security comes with a lot of different options now. You can install cameras, doorbells with cameras, sound, lighting, occupancy sensors, automated door locks, you name it. But the more devices you have, the more you have to control. And in the event of an emergency like a break-in, you don’t have time to spend sifting through your various systems to piece together what could be happening. A Control4 home automation system can bring your entire security system and all its features into one easy to control and view hub so you can see, hear, and respond immediately to any emergency.


Take the pain out of operating multiple individual systems in your home with an integrated home automation system. If you want to learn more about smart home automation, contact our expert Control4 dealers at 855-632-6272 or reach out to us on our contact page. We look forward to hearing from you!

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